18 months on from our SpeakUp project with Sheffield Foyer, we re-visited Sheffield's temporary accommodations to see how things have changed for young people accessing sexual health information and support.
In December 2024, we talked to people at a mental health friendly activity group, run by Sheffield Flourish. We discussed sexual health education and services, as well as other services and support.
You may think your partner or close family members can make decisions for you if you’re not able to – but this is not the case. If they had to pay your bills or make a choice about your care, they would need legal authority to do so.
These are the key things we've been hearing about in October- November 2024 including feedback relating to GP practices, hospital care, the NHS 10 year plan, taxi services and NHS dentistry.
We are doing research into what people in Tinsley think about the NHS and care services they use. Read more about this project and how you can get involved.
People living with Long Covid in Sheffield face significant challenges in managing their condition and overcoming barriers to healthcare. We explored people's experiences in more detail, and how our local services can better meet their needs.