What would a 10 year plan for social care look like?

In December we hosted a roundtable conversation with Abtisam Mohamed MP. It was attended by people with professional and personal experience of Adult Social Care.

We asked the question ‘If the government was writing a 10-year plan for adult social care, what should it include?'

In light of the government's current consultation for an NHS 10 year plan, we wanted to shine a light on Adult Social Care, which is often overlooked in comparison.

We were joined by an advocate from Disability Sheffield, staff from SACMHA who support Sheffield’s African Caribbean community, the manager of a local care home, and a family carer, alongside Healthwatch staff presenting insight and feedback from members of the public.

Abtisam Mohamed, MP for Sheffield Central, heard these concerns and is now better equipped - with real experiences from local people - to share these issues in Parliament.

What did we discuss?

There was a rich and varied discussion, highlighting the fact the issues within Adult Social Care are complex and interconnected. However the following broad themes were drawn out of the discussion:

  • Social care packages which do not meet people's needs
  • The expectations on unpaid carers
  • Issues facing the social care workforce
  • Social care which isn't culturally competent
  • Funding and resources

For more detail on these important topics, read the briefing below.

Read the briefing

If you need these documents in a different format, please  email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688

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