Sexual health: what's changed?

18 months on from our SpeakUp project with Sheffield Foyer, we re-visited Sheffield's temporary accommodations to see how things have changed for young people accessing sexual health information and support.

This project was undertaken by two students from The University of Sheffield, who were on placement with us in November and December 2024. Their work builds on a previous project in 2023 which found many barriers to sexual health knowledge and services. 

The aim was to get a current picture of young people living in hostels’ knowledge of sexual health, and their access to sexual health services, whilst considering the impact of the previous report we produced with Sheffield Foyer. 

We surveyed residents and staff in supported accommodation for homeless young people. While there has been good progress supporting residents of the hostels to access support around sexual health, there are additional actions which could take this further, including more on-site services and educational outreach. 

We have suggested actions for those who organise and deliver sexual health services in Sheffield, which could improve sexual health and wellbeing for residents in young people's hostels.

Key findings: 

  • There were knowledge gaps among residents, particularly around signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and who might be at risk. 
  • Work has been done to tackle the major barrier of travel to sexual health services, with more support delivered on-site. The biggest remaining barriers to accessing support include embarrassment and fear of judgement. 
  • Staff highlighted the need for further sexual health training to improve the support they provide to residents, and easier access to resources like condoms and pregnancy tests.


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