Accessing Long Covid support in Sheffield

People living with Long Covid in Sheffield face significant challenges in managing their condition and overcoming barriers to healthcare. We explored people's experiences in more detail, and how our local services can better meet their needs.

This report highlights people's experiences of Long Covid - including the impact the condition has on them and their lives, and the different types of support they have tried to access.

We particularly focussed on bringing to light the barriers affecting those who are currently under-represented in Long Covid services locally, despite being disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes people from our ethnically diverse communities, as well as those with lower socio-economic means.

Our findings are based on 21 in-depth interviews with people with Long Covid and their carers. In addition, our grants programme connected with 440 people in diverse communities to gather their experiences and insights about Long Covid. 

We have made a number of key recommendations to commissioners and providers of services for people with Long Covid, aiming to improve services and guide future strategies.

Key findings

Our report focuses on different elements of living with Long Covid -

People's experiences of health services: People's journeys through general practice, hospital care, and specific Long Covid services

Self-management: How people use different strategies, voluntary sector support, and online resources to manage long term conditions

The impact of Long Covid: How the condition has affected people's mental health, work and finances, relationships and social life, and their caring responsibilities

To read the findings in full, download the report below. This page is currently being updated with the responses we receive from local commissioners and service providers.


Read the report

If you need this report in a different format, please contact us on 0114 253 6688 or

Responses to this report

Integrated Care Board/Primary Care response
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals/Long Covid Rehabilitation Hub response

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