#SpeakUp: Space to Breathe

This is the first report from the 2023-24 round of #SpeakUp grants. Space to Breathe worked in partnership with others to run a pilot project, exploring the challenges faced by people trying to access mental health support from their GP practice. Read more about their findings.

For this project, Space to Breathe partnered with Chapelgreen Surgery and a Lived Experience team of wellbeing workers. They spoke with 78 people about what would help them to access their GP surgery when they're struggling with their mental health.

They ran an online survey, held a women's conversation group in Darnall, and set up an installation in Chapelgreen Surgery to hear people's views.

Key findings:

The project group explored many challenges, including the added difficulty of the '8am rush' to book appointments for people experiencing symptoms of mental ill health. However, they also had a real focus on practical suggestions for improvement - for both patients and staff. Their recommendations are:

  • Openness to creative ideas and trial of different approaches to the appointment system
  • Creating other routes to care and reviewing how crisis issues are dealt with
  • Recognition of the increased demand for Mental Health support in the Surgery
  • Patients being more involved in Surgery decision making
  • Signposting and connecting with local community organisations

The team will continue to work with Chapelgreen Surgery to implement some of the ideas raised through this pilot project. They will expand this with the rest of the Network North Primary Care Network (Chapelgreen is one of five practices in this group), and hope to work across the city to support other GP practices and patients to implement new ways of working.

Read the report below to find out more about Space to Breathe's findings and their recommendations. 

You can also read more about the project on Space to Breathe's website.


If you need the report in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688.

Read the report
Read the summary infographic

What happened next?

Since the report was published, the team have been able to start a Wellbeing Group at Chapelgreen surgery. Read their update on Space to Breathe's website here.

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