#SpeakUp grants - applications for 2023 now open!

We're launching the next round of our #SpeakUp small grants scheme. Could you apply for a grant of £2000, and help to shine a light on the health and social care issues that matter to the people you work with?

What is a #SpeakUp grant?

Our #SpeakUp grants scheme is aimed at local community, voluntary and not-for-profit groups. The funding is designed to help you run projects which capture the views and experiences of the people you support, on issues in health and social care that are important to them. This might be experiences of particular services, barriers to accessing care, or ideas of what good care would look like.

We then help groups to write up their findings, including recommendations for how services could improve, and make sure this is heard by decision-makers.

You can find out more about previous projects we've supported by reading the reports on our website:

Read previous #SpeakUp reports

Could you apply for a grant?

In 2023-24 we have four grants of £2000 available for local groups. By working with groups who are already trusted partners in their communities, we can make sure we're hearing from even more people, including those whose voices aren't often heard by services. 

Our offer to you:

  • 2 days of dedicated staff time to support your project - designing surveys, facilitating activities etc
  • Help with information provision to share with your community
  • Support to write and share a report with decision-makers
  • Creating opportunities for local people to connect with decision-makers directly

Our ask:

  • Design and deliver activities which will capture the views and experiences of at least 30 people
  • Work collaboratively with us to support your project

The timescales:

  • Applications open Tuesday 2nd May
  • Deadline for applications Monday 5th June
  • Grants awarded by mid-June
  • Activities completed by Saturday 30th September
  • Findings returned to us by Monday 16th October

How to apply

There are several ways to apply for a #SpeakUp grant. Apply online with the Google Form, or download the application form and email or post it back to us. You can also call us and we can fill in a form with you over the phone.

You can find all the documents you will need below, including our guidance document which will help you write your application.

If you have any questions - or would like to talk about your project idea before submitting an application - please contact us.

Get in touch

0114 253 6688


The deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 5th June 2023.


Our guidance document should help you to think about what you could use the money for, and how you might want to shape a project. Please read this before applying:

#SpeakUp 2023 guidance document

Link to the Google Forms online application:

Apply online

Word doc version of the application form (best for emailing):

PDF version of the application form (best for printing):

Download (PDF 235KB)