Consultation on developing NICE guidance and standards
NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, wants to hear your views on its proposals to improve patient and public involvement.
They are looking for comments on the draft proposals – ‘Improving how patients and the public can help develop NICE guidance and standards’ – before they are finalised in the spring.
In essence, they propose:
- Involving people earlier and keeping them involved throughout the development process.
- Being clearer on how we find information about people’s experiences of care and how we take account of that experience in our guidance.
- Recruiting a broad pool of people with knowledge and experience of specific conditions or services. This group can be drawn on as needed to join decision-making bodies.
- Introducing a formal feedback process. This will enable people who help develop our guidance and standards to be aware of the impact of their contribution.
- Making better use of social media to:
- communicate with people about our guidance and standards
- make it easier for people to communicate with us.
- Reinforcing the message among their staff that involving lay people is everyone’s responsibility.