Draft ‘Involvement Assurance Framework’ – your feedback wanted!
In the spirit of involvement and co-production we want your views to help shape the final version.
The final version will be the reference point that Healthwatch Sheffield uses for assessing the quality and appropriateness of patient and public involvement. We hope that other organisations will find it useful for self assessment.
What we want to know
1) Content – is it useful? what is missing?
2) Presentation – is it clear?
3) Ease of use – is this easy to use? Would you and your organisation use it?
4) Do you prefer the booklet or poster version or both?
5) Is the checklist useful?
6) Any other thoughts/suggestions
Please find below a draft copy of the framework (in Booklet and Poster formats). Paper copies will be made available but the Involvement Assurance Framework will primarily work as an online toolkit.
We value all feedback and the closing date for comments/suggestions is noon on Friday 18th December 2015. The Involvement Assurance Framework will be available for use in January 2016.