Visiting a mental health friendly activity group

In December 2024, we talked to people at a mental health friendly activity group, run by Sheffield Flourish. We discussed sexual health education and services, as well as other services and support.
Group of people sat chatting.

Below is a summary of the things people told us about. There is a printable version at the bottom of this page if you would prefer.

Sexual health 

People told us about sexual health access and education: 

  • There was a lack of knowledge about where to go for contraception and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing 
  • It was thought that word of mouth is usually how people find out about access to sexual health services 
  • Travel and expense are barriers to accessing STI and pregnancy testing 
  • There is a lack of sexual health education for groups like the mental health friendly activity group.

People would like to see: 

  • Sexual health outreach events with a wide range of groups 
  • More information posters and leaflets in general community areas 
  • Sexual health education delivered at their group 
  • Older people being included, not ignored.

Mental health support 

People shared their views on mental health support and what is needed to make it better for people. They told us: 

  • Mental health access is quite good, but complicated terms can exclude people 
  • Being judgemental means people are less likely to access services. Train staff to be less judgemental 
  • More long-term support is needed 
  • Mental health services are not patient-centred care 
  • Services should see the person more than the illness 
  • Mental health should be more care based and empathy based - just because people aren’t a danger it doesn’t mean they don’t need help or shouldn’t be prioritised 
  • People need help getting out of bad environments 
  • There is no mental health support for people fleeing from domestic violence 
  • There are lots of hoops to jump through when you have a history of drug use from years ago and need ‘PRN’ (when required) medication for anxiety.

Other services 

Some people talked about other services that are important to them. They said: 

  • Social care takes too long for things to happen, a lot of people don’t know how to access it 
  • Disability services require lots of proof for support, this can be detrimental to mental health 
  • People need support to work, it helps mental health.

What next? 

We will share what we have learnt with those working to make health and care better for people and the relevant services, including Sexual Health Sheffield and Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, which provides mental health services. People’s views and experiences inform the improvements they make.

Thank you to everyone who spoke with us and our community partner Sheffield Flourish for inviting us to the group.


View the printable version of this blog below.

Contact us

If you need information and advice about accessing health or social care services in Sheffield, or want to share feedback about your experiences of using them, please contact us using the details below. 

0114 253 6688 between the hours of 09:00 – 16:30 Monday to Friday

0741 524 9657 

Healthwatch Sheffield, The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW