Help making a complaint - adult social care

We know making a complaint about the care you've received can be daunting. We've put together some advice for complaining about adult social care in Sheffield.

Where should you start?

For many people, the first step to making a complaint is taking some time to think about what went wrong, what the service could have done better, and what you'd like to happen as a result of your complaint. This will help you to make the complaint as well as helping the service to address your concerns.

The outcome you want could include:

  • Getting access to the care you need
  • Improving the service, so other people don’t have the same experience you had
  • Receiving an explanation of what went wrong and an apology.
  • Getting someone disciplined or prosecuted.
  • Getting compensation.


You normally have 12 months after an incident (or after becoming aware of an incident) to make a complaint.

Preparing to make a complaint

It can help to put together any documents relating to the problem so that you are able to talk about these during the complaints process. This might include documents about your social care assessment, financial assessment, or care plan. You may also want to gather other information to help you prepare for your complaint - such as reading the complaints policy to help you know what to expect.

Who should you contact? 

You can make a complaint directly to the organisation who provides the service (e.g. the care home or the home care agency). You can do this by contacting the Service Manager by phone, email or post. It may be helpful to request a copy of their complaints policy so you know how they plan to handle your complaint.

Most Adult Social Care in Sheffield (care at home, residential/nursing homes, personal budgets etc) is commissioned by Sheffield City Council.

You can complain to the Council if:

  • The council has assessed you as not needing a service but you believe you need it
  • There have been delays or errors in dealing with your case
  • The services arranged for you are not meeting your needs
  • You’re being asked to wait a long time for equipment or adaptations

Online complaints form

0114 273 4567 (Customer Services)

What next?

Man talking on a phone

The organisation should respond to your complaint within the timeframe set out in their complaints policy. They may wish to arrange a further conversation or meeting with you to help them fully understand the issue or discuss a solution. 

Hopefully the complaint will be resolved in a way that you're happy with. However, if you are not happy with the way your complaint has been resolved, you can appeal and/or escalate it.

Sheffield City Council have an appeals process - this means a more senior manager will review your complaint. If you are still not happy with this, you can escalate it to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

Individual care providers (e.g. care home) don't have this appeals process, so if you're not happy with their response you can escalate this to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman straight away.

The Ombudsman will review complaints independently and make a final decision.

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

Talk to us

Want to talk through your experience or ask us more about making a complaint?

We're here to listen