#SpeakUp grants scheme 2021 - summary report

In 2021 we awarded small grants to 12 local voluntary, community, and not-for-profit organisations. They helped us to hear from over 790 people in Sheffield about important issues in health and social care. Find out about this year's projects.

This summary report provides a snapshot of what each of this year's grant recipients did and their key findings, as well as exploring cross-cutting themes such as challenges facing carers, difficulties navigating the health and care system, and the need for more culturally appropriate care.

What did we hear about?

This year's 12 organisations worked on a range of topics, including:

  • African Caribbean perspectives on home care
  • Experiences of diagnosis & support for children with Autism
  • Experiences of adults with a learning disability
  • Children, young people and families in Pitsmoor, Burngreave & Fir Vale
  • People living with Dementia and their families/carers
  • Young professionals managing their mental health
  • People accessing maternity services

What next?

We have asked local commissioners and providers of NHS and social care services for a formal response to the recommendations in this report, and any actions they will take as a result. We will update this page once we receive these responses.


If you need these documents in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688.

#SpeakUp 2021 summary report

Responses from decision-makers

We received responses from several health and care organisations in Sheffield, detailing their response to our findings and any plans they have set out to address the recommendations. You can read these below:

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