Making Change Together: Our Strategy 2021-24

Our strategy sets out the ways in which we will be doing our work over the next three years, and the aims and principles that will guide us. Find out about our vision, and how we plan to achieve it

Our vision is a city where people have an equal chance of a healthy life.

To achieve this, we want to:

  • Find out what matters to local people and influence and improve health and care services
  • Involve those who often aren’t heard
  • Help make Sheffield a healthy city to live in

We recognise that health inequalities in Sheffield are stark and that the Covid-19 pandemic has moved us further away from equity. We also recognise that health is not just about the provision of services, but shaped by our lives – our work (paid and voluntary), our environment, our homes, and our education. Social factors have the greatest impact on people’s health, and in many ways these experiences are unequal.

This will be the lens through which we do our work – promoting voice, experience and involvement as central to understanding and addressing health inequalities. It is the theme which cuts across all of our strategic aims.


For more detail on our plans and aims, read the full strategy below:

If you need these documents in a different format, please email or call 0114 253 6688.

Making Change Together: Strategy 2021-24


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