The Mental Health Journey

We spoke to people living in Sheffield about their journey through mental health services and support. Read their stories, and our recommendations for improving services for them and others.

We worked with Sheffield Flourish to hear in depth stories from 9 people who've experienced a range of children's and adult's mental health services. We also spoke to people who visit Ben's Centre to understand the challenges facing people who are homeless.

What did we find?

Here are the key messages from the report:

  • Professionals across the system aren’t always good at identifying poor mental health
  • People wait a long time to be seen and it is difficult to get seen in times of crisis
  • There are issues with the communication between GPs and other services
  • Different treatments work for different people but choice is sometimes not offered or available
  • Services aren’t delivered with sensitivity to different cultures and to individuals with particular needs.


Read the report below for more details of our key findings and to hear from those who shared their stories. You can also see the recommendations we've made to the people who design, pay for, and deliver mental health services in Sheffield.

Read the report

You can also read the full stories gathered with the help of Sheffield Flourish - these are people's journeys written in their own words. We would like to thank each individual for sharing these deeply personal experiences.

Read the stories

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