COVID-19 enquiry summary 30th July 2020

This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from 13th-30th July. It includes new face covering regulations, confusion around direct payments, and communication with mental health services.

Since lockdown began, we’ve been taking more calls, emails, and texts than normal. People have been asking us about how they can access treatment, and what health and social care services are doing to keep everyone safe. People have also been letting us know when they’ve experienced issues with their care.

We’ve been keeping an eye on everything you’ve been telling us so that we can share this with the people shaping the city-wide response to the crisis. We’ve been sending key issues to Sheffield City Council and NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) so that your experiences can inform their actions.

We have also been escalating issues up to Healthwatch England, who are communicating directly with NHS England about the issues that matter to you.

What have we been hearing?

This briefing includes information we've heard from members of the public through the second half of July, as well as issues that have been brought to us via voluntary and community sector partners. It includes:

  • New regulations around face coverings
  • Digital exclusion
  • People paying for support they haven't been able to access
  • Day services for people with a learning disability
  • Communication with Mental Health services


If you need these documents in a different format, please email or call 0114 253 6688.

COVID-19 enquiry summary 30th July:

Read the briefing

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