Enter & View - Belmont House Nursing Home

Our Enter & View programme involves visiting publicly funded health and social care services in Sheffield to talk to service users, their relatives and carers, as well as staff. Visits are carried out by our Enter & View volunteers.
Enter & View is different to an inspection - we focus on what it is like for people receiving care. Visiting places where people actually receive care is a powerful way for us to hear directly from individuals about their experiences of services.
Key findings:
Residents, relatives and staff expressed great satisfaction with the care provided. Of particular note was:
- The warm and caring attitude of staff, and the informal, relaxed atmosphere of the home in general
- The different levels of engagement of relatives with the home, with some very active, and others who did not engage or visit.
- We were made aware that there is considerable adjustment /learning needed by relatives when a close family member goes into care
- The Stocksbridge-based nature of the home, with engagement with local volunteers and their organisation.
Residents seemed to be happy and content. For example, people were able to ask for the food they wanted. Entertainment is provided at the home and there is an activities coordinator. Staff took residents out to a local Stocksbridge club – one member of staff per resident.
There was a good continuity of staff who were local people and many had been there for a long time.
If you would like to tell us about you or your relative's experience in a care home, get in touch:
0114 253 6688