Home care - what are Sheffield City Council's plans?

Find out more about the local developments in home care. Sheffield City Council have updated us on their most recent plans.
Woman helping an elderly man use a IPad

In 2019, we published our Home Care report. This was a collaboration with Sheffield City Council and local voluntary sector partners to find out more about people's experiences with home care in the city, and what they would like to see change in order to improve it.

These were the key findings:

  • Where users of home care got to know their care workers well, they said they felt listened to. However, many people felt there were too many care workers involved in delivering their care. They couldn’t get to know the workers, and found this distressing.
  • Inappropriate visit times caused problems for many users of home care and family carers. There were related concerns about lateness, missed visits, and the feeling that visits were being rushed.
  • Family carers want communication to be improved – both between services, and with the people who use the services. They would like to be more involved in decisions about their relatives’ care which also affect them.

What happened next?

This report formed part of the Council's evidence base for improving the home care services they deliver. They listened to what local people had said in our report and elsewhere, and came up with plans for improvement.

From February to April 2021 members of the Programme Team met with local stakeholders to discuss their plans. One of these events was held on 17th March - we and Disability Sheffield invited members of the public to hear about the plans, and give feedback on them.

People were invited to give feedback and ask questions at these events, along the following themes:

  1. Is there anything you would like to know more about?
  2. Based on your own experience, do you feel the new model will support people to live the lives that matter to them?
  3. Is there anything else we should consider?

The Council have looked at everyone's feedback that was collected in these sessions, and have produced a response to help give us extra detail on the plans. 

You can read the response below.


If you would like further clarity, or to ask anything else, please contact Chris Boyle (Commissioning Officer) via chris.boyle@sheffield.gov.uk

You can also contact Chris if you would like to remain involved, as the project develops, for example as an expert-by-experience.

Response to Queries and Feedback