What Matters To You as a carer?
What matters to you as a carer?
"Recognition (e.g., financial, provision of resources etc.) of carers who don’t fit the traditional image of one e.g., carers of people living with mental health conditions, young carers. My relative gets the support they need so it's not all on me. Knowing where to turn to for support if I need it".
"As a kinship carer - having good access to support, being able to contact professionals easily and feeling understood and supported by them. Knowing I could get help if I needed it and knowing the people I would talk to would do something".
"As a young carer at 10 years old it would have been good to have some guidance about being an adult, having a mentor. It would have kept me out of trouble".
Find out more
You can find out about the other What Matters To You conversations we've had here. We asked people what mattered to them about:
- Where they live
- Staying active
- Mental health support
- The care and support they receive
- Managing a long term condition
If you'd like to share What Matters To You, get involved! Use #WMTY23 on social media, or contact us to share your views.