What is adult social care?

Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below to find out answers to key questions including who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
A senior man sitting with a care worker talking through treatment.

Social care can be very different from the health care you receive from the NHS. Although it can include medical help, social care offers more practical support to enable people to live independently.

These services are usually provided in people's homes, care homes or elsewhere in the community rather than at a GP practice or hospital.

If you or a loved one needs social care, it's important to understand what types of care and support are available, where to find the correct information and how to fund services.

Who can access adult social care support?

If you're an older person, you are living with a disability, have a long-term condition, or are recovering from hospital, you may require social care services. All adults over 18 are entitled to an evaluation to determine whether they could qualify for help or support. You can have a free assessment to determine your eligibility for support.

If you have family or friends caring for you, you may not have to pay for services. Additionally, carers can also receive support for their wellbeing and training. Once you qualify for aid, you can access help to create a personalised plan that meets your specific needs.


How do I receive help through social care?

If you need care for yourself, the first step is to speak to  Adult Social Care at Sheffield City Council and request a support and care assessment. 

If you are aged 18 or over, and are providing unpaid care for another adult who lives in Sheffield, you can access a carer’s assessment by contacting Sheffield Carers Centre.

Carers under the age of 18 can also have a carer’s assessment and Sheffield Young Carers can provide information on this.

Alternatively, you may be offered a care assessment at home after being discharged from the hospital, called a 'discharge to assess' or a 'home first' approach.

The NHS can also assess people with very complex and long-term health needs for social care support, known as 'NHS Continuing Healthcare' or 'NHS CHC', and involves a separate assessment process from the needs assessments carried out by local authorities.

Watch James' Social Care Story

How do I pay for social care?

A 'financial assessment' or 'means test' will determine whether you qualify for free social care or need to contribute towards the cost of your care.

The criteria used in means tests are complicated and involves assessing your 'financial assets'.

 Current means test thresholds

If you are eligible for any financial support, Sheffield City Council will provide you with a 'personal budget' which you can spend on local services.

Some people can also qualify for free social care through NHS continuing healthcare. However, if your assessment finds you are not eligible, you might be eligible instead for 'NHS-funded nursing care', where the NHS will contribute to the cost of your nursing care, for example, in a care home.

The organisation Beacon provides free independent advice on NHS continuing healthcare.

Unpaid carers do not have to contribute towards the support services they access following an assessment.


What type of support is available through social care?

Sheffield City Council is responsible for managing social care services in Sheffield. They may provide some services themselves, or they may buy services from other care providers. 

Local services can include:

  • Support to help people develop the skills needed to live independently. They can involve help with doing certain activities again after illness or injury.
  • Support with getting up in the morning, washing, dressing and using the toilet. These services are known as 'personal care'.
  • Help with household tasks like cleaning, cooking, eating or shopping.
  • Support with organising physical, leisure or social activities. They can involve serving meals or refreshments, helping with health issues or providing an opportunity to meet and chat with others.
  • 'Respite care' or 'carers breaks' provide opportunities for unpaid carers to take a break from caring. During these breaks, the person being cared for would have their care needs met by different carers, sometimes in a different location for a few hours, an overnight stay or even longer.
  • Support finding housing for people affected by homelessness who have care needs following a needs assessment.

Where can I find more information about social care?

You can find out more on Sheffield City Council's Adult Social Care webpage which includes information about: 

  • Assessments and eligibility.
  • Personal budgets.
  • Support options for individuals , families and unpaid carers.
  • Adult safeguarding. 

You can also find more advice on social care here: