What matters to us: Older people's experiences of living in a care home
In July and August 2022, we visited care homes across Sheffield. We spoke with 16 residents, 5 relatives of residents, and heard about 8 different care homes in the city.
People told us about the importance of having choice and control (in moving into the care home, and in aspects of everyday living), the value of personal connections, whether their care home enables them to take part in meaningful activities that support their individuality, and their access to healthcare services.
How can people's experiences be improved?
Based on the experiences people shared with us, we have made 7 main recommendations to commissioners of care homes and the people who run them. These recommendations can be summarised as:
- Keep good access to healthcare, including GPs
- Improve information given to residents and families before moving into a care home
- Staff who are able to get to know the residents
- The council should check with individual homes to see how they are hearing the views of residents and relatives and acting on them
- Share ideas and resources to help homes offer a range of activities and connect residents with communities, support social interaction and friendships within the home, and prevent and manage conflict between residents
- Care plans need to be clear about how residents will be supported to do things that matter to them
- There is a need to better understand the experiences of older people from black and minority ethnic groups
What next?
We asked decision-makers at the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Sheffield City Council to respond to these recommendations, outlining the steps they plan to take as a result.
We've now received responses from these organisations, which you can read at the bottom of this page.
We will monitor these planned changes to ensure that people's views are being heard.
Read the full report below to find out more about older people's experiences of living in a care home.
If you need these documents in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688.
What matters to us: Older people's experiences living in a care home
Read the responses from local decision-makers below: