#RealMe: Young People’s Feelings Towards Self-worth
#RealMe is the latest report from Healthwatch Sheffield, produced by Young Healthwatch. Young Healthwatch are a group of volunteers who work with Healthwatch Sheffield to make sure children and young people’s views are listened to.
Their investigation involved an arts competition, a survey that 151 young people completed and a series of workshops at local colleges and schools.
Young Healthwatch found that:
• 51% of young people asked said they think about their self-worth often,
• Many young people are struggling because of a low sense of self worth – when asked to self-score their sense of self-worth, the average score was 4 out of a possible 9,
• Young people understand which activities help them to feel better and worse about themselves.
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Read the full report below:
#RealMe: Young People's feelings towards self-worth