Enter & View - Beech Hill Intermediate Unit

In November 2016, 4 of our Enter & View volunteers visited Beech Hill Intermediate Care Unit. This is an NHS community rehabilitation unit, providing intermediate care for patients following a stay in hospital.

Our Enter & View programme involves visiting publicly funded health and social care services in Sheffield to talk to service users, their relatives and carers, as well as staff. Visits are carried out by our Enter & View volunteers.

Enter & View is different to an inspection - we focus on what it is like for people receiving care. Visiting places where people actually receive care is a powerful way for us to hear directly from individuals about their experiences of services.

Key findings:

  • There is a rolling rota of food choices available through the housekeeping team. Wherever possible staff encourage patients that are able to leave their rooms to eat in the dining rooms at lunchtime and evening.
  • Staff reported that they can be flexible around visiting times to accommodate individual cases, adding that they understand the value and benefit for patients of having time with family and friends.
  • When we visited, End of Life Care was about to be reviewed. Staff informed us that patients do have a choice about where they receive end of life care.
  • In general, patients’ comments indicated they were mainly happy with their care at Beech Hill.
  • A thorough approach is taken to training staff.


If you would like to tell us about your experience of a service, get in touch:

0114 253 6688



If you need these documents in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688.

Beech Hill Intermediate Unit report

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