Enter & View - Burbage Ward, Michael Carlisle Centre

Our Enter & View programme involves visiting publicly funded health and social care services in Sheffield to talk to service users, their relatives and carers, as well as staff. Visits are carried out by our Enter & View volunteers.
Enter & View is different to an inspection - we focus on what it is like for people receiving care. Visiting places where people actually receive care is a powerful way for us to hear directly from individuals about their experiences of services.
Key findings:
- We found a well organised service with committed staff
- Patients were generally positive about the ward and treatment
- Patients were very concerned about the enforcement of the ‘smoke-free’ policy due to come into force in May 2016
- There is a good range of activities for patients
If you would like to tell us about your experience of a mental health service, get in touch:
0114 253 6688
If you need these documents in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk or call 0114 253 6688.