Enter & View - Pitsmoor GP Surgery

In August 2015, 2 of our Enter & View volunteers visited Pitsmoor GP surgery.

Our Enter & View programme involves visiting publicly funded health and social care services in Sheffield to talk to service users, their relatives and carers, as well as staff. Visits are carried out by our Enter & View volunteers.

Enter & View is different to an inspection - we focus on what it is like for people receiving care. Visiting places where people actually receive care is a powerful way for us to hear directly from individuals about their experiences of services.

Key findings:

  • There is good physical access into the surgery.
  • There is clear signage, and all non-medical staff wearing name badges. There are various notice boards, including a community notices sections which were all tidy. 
  • The appointment calling system is both visual and auditory and the screen during waiting times scrolls through a variety of public health and other ‘preparatory’ messages.
  • There was a corded barrier that indicated the space to stay away from the reception area for privacy. The 2 Reception staff were welcoming, unflustered and helpful.
  • The wait to see a specific doctor when booking ahead is unacceptably long, averaging 2 weeks and can regularly be up to 4 weeks to see a part-time member of staff. Waiting times, on the day, were up to 40 minutes.
  • There is limited parking (but designated spaces for disabled). The surgery is well serviced by buses (on a main route with almost adjacent bus stop) – but the nature of bus routes mean that patients not living near the main road would not be helped by this.

If you would like to tell us about your experience at your GP, get in touch:

0114 253 6688



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Pitsmoor GP Surgery report

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