Have your say: Our commitments for Dementia in Sheffield

You’re invited to have your say on 13 commitments designed to improve the support and care of people living with dementia and their families and carers.
two old women in a care home laughing with their nurse

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has worked closely with voluntary and public sector organisations to develop the commitments. They are influenced by national guidance and best practice as well as through conversations with people living with dementia, their carers, volunteers and professionals who support people living with dementia.

The CCG has made an on-going pledge to ensuring that the voices of people living with dementia and caring for those living with dementia are heard and used to develop the actions plans that will drive the delivery of the commitments once they are agreed.

They want to hear what you think about the commitments, how you think we might achieve them as a city, and how we will know when we are getting things right for people living with dementia.

Our Commitments

  1. Sheffield will become a dementia friendly city.
  2. We will ensure preventative health becomes an integral part of the dementia work.
  3. We will improve access to the diagnosis of the diseases that cause dementia at the earliest possible stage for the people of Sheffield.
  4. For people with dementia, support in Sheffield will be more personalised, local and accessible to help people to remain independent for as long as possible.
  5. We will provide high quality support to families and carers of people with dementia in Sheffield to help people with dementia maintain their independence for as long as possible.
  6. Sheffield will continue to provide out of hospital emergency assessments and short term care when people need it and in the most appropriate setting.
  7. Sheffield will continue to provide specialist inpatient assessment and treatment for people who are unable to receive care in their own homes.
  8. We will make sure that more people get access to personalised, good quality palliative and end of life care when they need it.
  9. We will improve care for people with dementia attending A&E and those admitted to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.
  10. Care homes will take account of the needs of people with dementia.
  11. We will support the clinical and non-clinical research community in Sheffield.
  12. We will provide guidance to clinicians in relation to the best medicines for dementia, including when to initiate and review medication.
  13. We will monitor the strategy and the implementation plan supporting it.

Find out what we already know about experiences of dementia care, by reading our report. Earlier this year we reviewed existing patient and carer feedback relating to dementia care to highlight common themes and identify gaps that can be pursued in future engagement.